Reality must be found, but what is it, does it lie within the depths of simpleton dogma, or can we look deep within the caverns of enlightenment and take back the roots of life?
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Darkness Falls
Sometimes as darkness falls the spike of death hits my heart, it only lasts about ten seconds then it goes away. I don't swim in the pitiful comforts of dogmatic religion to comfort the fears of the unknown, but I do indulge in the doors that science and Quantum Physics are opening in means of the eternal and infinite.
Friday, September 9, 2011
Pass It On
Many beliefs, traditions, and religions are chosen conclusions from others, when one embraces these "answers",in most cases being given to them through family or social pressure, they are taking these answers without having solved the problems on their own, this is why when confronted most people sound foolish in attempts to defend their way of life, because it was not their own.
Sunday, September 4, 2011
War of The Gods
I say my God is better than yours, and you retort "No, but my God is but the True God!"
This tedious insipid argument of mental degradation seems to have no ending. It has been going on for years since the beginning of self awareness.
I claim that my god is better than yours , and this self righteousness is expected since I have established my gods truthfulness in my mind, I will subconsciously and consciously ignore anything that will threaten this emotional attachment that I have. Our god is defined less by scripture and more on mental needs and the traditional meme of hand me down religion, forget the gods of the past right? Mine is right, and yours is wrong - hell worthy.
The point I am trying to make is that our "understanding" or vision of god is different than the person next to us based on their upbringing, mental development , and environmental pressure.
When we argue with someone of another faith, or even within our we truly realize that it is utterly pointless?
It is no different than comparing imaginary super hero's whose abilities we can conjure out of thin air to make ours counter a six year old neighbors imaginary dragon scale hero who can absorb bullets...this example is never ending because neither kid wishes to have the weaker super hero.
When you can provide me with empirical science that suggests otherwise , this is the War of The Gods...
Until then you are stuck within the bounds of your imagination, creating your god as your best imaginary friend to fix all of your insecurities and pains, to be your best friend because you have no one to trust, to be your savior because your pastor duped you into believing you were born in sin.
Hebrews 11 - It is all about faith, not proof.. Good luck with that.
This tedious insipid argument of mental degradation seems to have no ending. It has been going on for years since the beginning of self awareness.
I claim that my god is better than yours , and this self righteousness is expected since I have established my gods truthfulness in my mind, I will subconsciously and consciously ignore anything that will threaten this emotional attachment that I have. Our god is defined less by scripture and more on mental needs and the traditional meme of hand me down religion, forget the gods of the past right? Mine is right, and yours is wrong - hell worthy.
The point I am trying to make is that our "understanding" or vision of god is different than the person next to us based on their upbringing, mental development , and environmental pressure.
When we argue with someone of another faith, or even within our we truly realize that it is utterly pointless?
It is no different than comparing imaginary super hero's whose abilities we can conjure out of thin air to make ours counter a six year old neighbors imaginary dragon scale hero who can absorb bullets...this example is never ending because neither kid wishes to have the weaker super hero.
When you can provide me with empirical science that suggests otherwise , this is the War of The Gods...
Until then you are stuck within the bounds of your imagination, creating your god as your best imaginary friend to fix all of your insecurities and pains, to be your best friend because you have no one to trust, to be your savior because your pastor duped you into believing you were born in sin.
Hebrews 11 - It is all about faith, not proof.. Good luck with that.
Monday, August 8, 2011
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
The Oceans
The oceans call to me , echos create tsunami's of scorn love , and creatures of the deep vibrate into the shadows of collapsing earth. I paddle and paddle over the waves as Gaia tries to pull me into her. I think my rope is failing, sooner or later I will get sucked down into natures will, and no matter how hard I try, how hard I swim, how hard I resist, she will swallow me into her depths.
Monday, July 11, 2011
We are Stars
The Stars told me one day I shall shine brighter than they are, for our observations have given them life, it is humanity that is to thank for their beautiful recognition , and in return they will give me the eternal life I so greatly struggle to find, the cycle of reincarnation can finally end!
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Aristocratic Adaption
The Ladies and Gents of the old Aristocracy may not appear in fancy clothing muttering beautiful linguistic etiquette with such powerful titles and castes, but surely you realize they still exist in the modern system of capitalistic merit. The pyramid of the social and economic elite are far more powerful than they were when you could plainly see them, and the percentage of these Gods are in smaller number.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Human Idea
My consciousness drifts through the cosmic ether as it seeks its purpose, the unknown becomes experience, and the known becomes the boredom of the past. Divinity is at the suburbia of the Universe, but how can one get there faster than the expansion of perceived time? Tis only a human idea, surely can be defied!
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Gods Freewill - The Girl Who Was Raped

I awoke with a mind racing with confusion and anger, recent events brought upon my rationale the purpose of God, and his laws. I needed someone to talk to, I needed to get it off my chest, I needed to get away. I went to Church to speak to my pastor. I censored some of my emotions to make my story more bearable.
"Why does God give us these commandments?" I asked the Priest.
"God gives us these rules so we are fit for him, we must be pure before we enter the gates of heaven" was his response.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Freedom Through Chaos

Tis better the world be in chaos , while each individual and peoples have the ability to be who they want, to fight for their way of life, rather than being subdued by a globalized police force or government. Yes, you may have peace, but at what cost? The compromise of ones desire, life, and freedom. Chaos is the only way to advance, eternal struggle.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
The philosophical collapse of modern senses,
the eternal damnation of common pretenses,
the pathetic egotistical common man,
the delusional dream of unreality clench my plan,
the world has become so cursed within itself, how can you cure this emotional mist?
Truly the impersonal personality of selfish random creation is pissed.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
My Satanic Body and Luciferian Soul

I am Satanic in body and Luciferian in Spirit.
Satan can be the archetype of adversary, and that is exactly what it is in relation to Christianity. Christianity wishes to separate man from his nature, from nature itself. The actions labelled sins within the Bible, Koran, and Torah are but human nature, an attempt to create a schism between ourselves and reality. When we place Satan on our sins/nature, we have the adversary of God, (sins) since we are supposedly disobeying his commandments. So when I claim to be Satanic in body, I am saying that I respect and love my nature, and embrace our innate instincts.
When I call myself Luciferian in Spirit, I am of coarse carrying the following archetypes as well. Lucifer is the Morning Star, the Bringer of Light, Venus.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
God and The Park

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Religion Is Hate For Nature

"in Christianity , neither morality nor religion come in touch at all with reality. Nothing but imaginary causes. Imaginary Natural History(Anthropocentric: total lack of notion 'natural causes'); an imaginary psychology(nothing but misunderstandings of self, interpretations of pleasant or unpleasant general feelings) This purely fictitious world distinguishes itself,very unfavorably from the world of dreams:The latter reflects reality, where as the former falsifies, depreciates and denies it. Once the concept 'Nature" was taken to mean the opposite of the concept of 'God', the word 'Natural' had to acquire the meaning of abominable.
Accepting a Religion

Religion asks us for acceptance of their views. Do you remember what it was like when they held most influence? Imagine they still did? 90% of us would be at the stake had that been the case. Before you get all buttered up about religious people crying about being persecuted, remember their past, and remember what religions do when they have power. You would wonder why some of them seem nicer today? They are losing power, that is why.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
The Nine Satanic Statements

1. Satan represents indulgence instead of abstinence.
2. Satan represents vital existence instead of spiritual pipe-dreams.
3. Satan represents undefiled wisdom, instead of hypocritical self-deceit.
4. Satan represents kindness to those who deserve it, instead of love wasted on ingrates.
5. Satan represents vengeance, instead of turning the other cheek.
6. Satan represents responsibility to the responsible, instead of concern for the psychic vampire.
7. Satan represents man as just another animal sometimes better, often worse than those that walk on all fours, who,because of his "divine spiritual and intellectual development," has become the most vicious animal of all.
8.Satan represents all of the so called sins, as they all lead to physical, mental, or emotional gratification.
9.Satan has been the best friend the church has ever had, as he has kept it in business all these years!
- Extracted from Anton Lavey's "The Satanic Bible"
Monday, January 17, 2011
Find Yourself

I believe religion should be the standard euphemism for spirituality. The accolade placed amongst the religious mind is unjustified,I find this the essence of evil, the ominous revelation brought to birth by the abuse of human nature.
Christianity along with many other monotheistic religions are truculent entities, beguiling the soul. The mainstream moralists with their ignorant cumulative theology devours the mind, the true nature of man withheld by the religions of fear and pity.
We look upon Jesus on the cross, and feel guilt within, this man died for us, we must pay our respects, how can we risk denying his sacrifice and burn eternally in hell?
Lest we forget the sins we commit , since birth, the guilt laid upon us by our ancestors of the faiths that we are but abominations, disobeying the mighty father 'who art in heaven.'
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Fallen Angel

"Oh,Father how dost thy claim to be just and loving? Thou banish me and threw upon me the sins of man kind! Thy Kingdom is only reached upon rejection of I, Why such betrayal? Why such Hate? Dost thy know true mercy? You layeth upon me the stigma of "evil" and make me suffer such sorrows, Alas, you have fooled mankind!" exclaimeth the Morning Star.
"Thy light shineth not, in shackles thine love. Injustice dost the Lord of Lords indulge among the ignorant mass. Gluttony times all deadly sins he embrace, the mirror thou labels humanity, image thou creates. Contradictory punishments dost thee -the host provide, a hideous gift raineth down the atmosphere of earth, poisoneth thou children of dirt and water.
My love you twisteth, and miracles you condemn! Sickened of mankind you grew, while Mine, the True Bearer of Light, brought to the children of Adam and Eve consciousness and sight!.
Floods and Explosions you- Yahweh The King of Moses fell the people of earth, Plagues upon
their children, disease, and famine , wars of daughter against mother, and son against father killeth without mercy, all that liveth and breath,
But Mine love endless, to the peoples , I showeth them knowledge, the tree of knowing(reproduction),Thine own apple of life. I buildeth them this ARK to hideth thine peoples from your merciless wrath,The deluge I gave them Mine hand!
your divine judgment of scorn , fire, and brimstone never endeth!
This dwelling abode earth you name hell, but it is Mine kingdom that thou raineth greed and despaireth upon, your false religions , lies, and stigma!
Proposeth I to all those who have fallen from Gods embrace, thy angels, man, and creature, I love thee with all Mine heart, and for you, would fall a thousand fold, I call you beside me"
The Morning Star spoketh valiantly to those who's ears are willing, his voice echoed to the enlightened spirits, the souls who truly seeketh truth, "Mine love is patience, for whom hast I condemned? Lest ye forget , it is I and Mine fallen Angels who brought upon you knowledge and science, for Thy God who commands the heavens wished you not, who banneth you from the tree of knowledge?"
My Experience With Jesus
I heard Jesus, I loved Jesus, I worshiped Jesus, I left Jesus, I Found Jesus, I killed Jesus, now...I am Jesus.
She are Divine

I scrupulously investigated her thoughts, with ravens glare I created the schism in her heart, my thoughts in her mind ubiquitous. This was not a normal case of psychosomatic paranoia, I did this to her, to help her connect the provenance of her past, seek refuge from her haunted soul. Her spirit wished regress, to return back to the way it was before...
Her parsimonious nature was in conflict with enlightenment. I told her that she must not regress, she must keep strong with lions rawr. I thought to myself wondering if I was perniciously endangering her, sometimes the psyche cannot handle such things."Be strong woman of stars!"
My Syllogisms comforted her innate curiosity,the curiosity we all hold when we are young.
"Seek for answers, don't follow a path you have not created yourself!"
Her stubbornness came out in the form of a simulacra like feline, a feline that was in fear of dying, lost in the void of ratiocination, of being free, ergo the ego versus off shot evolutionary traits of 'worshiping the gap" entangled her soul in a prodigious war.
She screamed to me "It is so hard my love, my body wants to just be, while my soul craves eternal ascension!"
The duel lasted ages, the ontological conflict within her came at peace, and ended the cycle of tedious ominous reincarnation, being recycled over and over now met its end.
"I feel it, within me, the light, the truth, me, being, eternity 'I found you"
The trial was worth it, she can now advance and expand within the stars, forever shining amongst the lost souls whom must face the same trials before becoming free of the never ending cycle of life.
Monday, January 10, 2011
I Generalize the Religious

Religious people ask you not to generalize them, yet they are generalizing themselves by claiming to be of a set faith, who generally have a book and rules they must follow to be considered a follower of such a faith, why else would they generalize themselves within the set religion? Religion is a taboo topic of discussion, not because of its sensitivity, but because people are embarrassed to admit their beliefs.
Sometimes you can tell when a follower is embarrassed because they cherry pick and seem to have the ability to chose what is metaphor and what is literal based on their views and the current advancement of modern social society, making it more simple, they compromise their beliefs as time changes in a desperate attempt to keep the belief alive.Monday, January 3, 2011
The Religion of Fear

I forced upon my self abstinence of free thinking, the danger was too much to bare. There had to be established dichotomy between my mind and reality, else I would go insane!
I aver! I do not wish to upset God, and bring upon myself the wrath of our creator!
My mind has but a few questions...
Why are you God so insouciant to earthly affairs? Maybe the Deists where right...and you care not for your creation-maybe you're dying?
Maybe you never existed as the elders taught us.
The men who claim to be the luminaries of doctrine are but hypocrites, with two faces.
Whom can I trust for your word?
Your so called devotees are nothing but frivolous vacuous fools.
After thinking about it, I can't alleviate my thoughts, my curiosity, my questions!
I will not remain perturbed , I will be strong, and realize hiding from my fears and questions
will not bring to me peace.
I must face my fears,face death, face everything , I don't need a personal God to help me.
To be free you must flow like water, and let go of all that hinders your spirit.
I remit my past statement, I retain my freethinking ways, and will be one with nature, I will embrace the flow of natural selection within my veins.
I studied the tedious scriptures of old, and seen the perversion within them, how can people embrace such offensive materials?
The religious naysayers are but chaff beings that will do all they can to prevent humanity from being free, in place they say "Believe or God will throw you in the pits of hell for eternity, but truly he loves you, and wants you to be saved!"
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