Reality must be found, but what is it, does it lie within the depths of simpleton dogma, or can we look deep within the caverns of enlightenment and take back the roots of life?
Monday, April 25, 2011
Freedom Through Chaos
Tis better the world be in chaos , while each individual and peoples have the ability to be who they want, to fight for their way of life, rather than being subdued by a globalized police force or government. Yes, you may have peace, but at what cost? The compromise of ones desire, life, and freedom. Chaos is the only way to advance, eternal struggle.
Chaos is the naturual way of the Universe, all change and flux. Generally those that wish to go against the the natural order of the Universe are mankind who attempts to impose some static order or control over the Universe, though eventually is denied his ability as the Universe is stronger than man and will always get its chaotic way.
Chaos is the naturual way of the Universe, all change and flux. Generally those that wish to go against the the natural order of the Universe are mankind who attempts to impose some static order or control over the Universe, though eventually is denied his ability as the Universe is stronger than man and will always get its chaotic way.