I scrupulously investigated her thoughts, with ravens glare I created the schism in her heart, my thoughts in her mind ubiquitous. This was not a normal case of psychosomatic paranoia, I did this to her, to help her connect the provenance of her past, seek refuge from her haunted soul. Her spirit wished regress, to return back to the way it was before...
Her parsimonious nature was in conflict with enlightenment. I told her that she must not regress, she must keep strong with lions rawr. I thought to myself wondering if I was perniciously endangering her, sometimes the psyche cannot handle such things."Be strong woman of stars!"
My Syllogisms comforted her innate curiosity,the curiosity we all hold when we are young.
"Seek for answers, don't follow a path you have not created yourself!"
Her stubbornness came out in the form of a simulacra like feline, a feline that was in fear of dying, lost in the void of ratiocination, of being free, ergo the ego versus off shot evolutionary traits of 'worshiping the gap" entangled her soul in a prodigious war.
She screamed to me "It is so hard my love, my body wants to just be, while my soul craves eternal ascension!"
The duel lasted ages, the ontological conflict within her came at peace, and ended the cycle of tedious ominous reincarnation, being recycled over and over now met its end.
"I feel it, within me, the light, the truth, me, being, eternity 'I found you"
The trial was worth it, she can now advance and expand within the stars, forever shining amongst the lost souls whom must face the same trials before becoming free of the never ending cycle of life.
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