I awoke with a mind racing with confusion and anger, recent events brought upon my rationale the purpose of God, and his laws. I needed someone to talk to, I needed to get it off my chest, I needed to get away. I went to Church to speak to my pastor. I censored some of my emotions to make my story more bearable.
"Why does God give us these commandments?" I asked the Priest.
"God gives us these rules so we are fit for him, we must be pure before we enter the gates of heaven" was his response.
"If we do not follow his laws, what happens?"
"You will not enter the kingdom, you must obey these commandments and laws, or your name will not be in the book of life:thus, you will be thrown in the river of burning sulfur like the dark lord himself at the time of judgement! There will be eternal separation from God, eternal gnashing of teeth, eternal suffering!"
"I thought God loved us, I thought God let us have free will?"
"Yes child, we do have freewill, we make choices in our lives, and they will lead us either to the Father, or to Hell."
"How is it freewill if we are punished for not obeying?"
"God is our creator, he creates what is right in wrong, we must obey. Without Gods rules there are only subjective views of right and wrong, we need an absolute law, and we cannot have absolute law without an absolute being, without someone superior to us!"
"This weekend father, I was raped. And the man that raped me said to me ' You will have sex with me, or I will rape you' I tried to break free, I tried to run away. I couldn't get away, and he forced me. I had a choice father, I had a choice...I could have agreed to have sex with him, but I chose not to, and I was punished for it."
"That is unfortunate dear, that man will be punished during the day of Judgement."
"But father, what you told me, reminds me of my experience. The pain is so unbearable, I would never wish anyone else to experience what I had just experienced. Like this, why would anyone willingly choose hell?"
"Gods laws are clear dear."
"You think if everyone had a clear understanding of hell and heaven , anyone would choose hell? If it is as the Book claims it to be? I thought freewill was our ability to analyze our options, and being able to make a clear decision on them knowing the negative and positive consequences of such?"
"God knows all things, and he has his reasons. He loves us, and wants to guide us. These rules are made to be followed, and sometimes a child cannot see the reasons his parents are disciplining them, but it is for their own good!"
"God knows all things?"
"God has created all of our fates dear, there is a reason for everything, we must not let our life troubles bring us to the wrong path."
"So it was part of Gods plan for me to get raped? What about the world in poverty? Over 75% of the world is in poverty. The Bible says only 1/3rd of humanity will ever see the gates of heaven, that means God creates 2/3rds of humanity knowing they will choose hell!"
"Child, you are too young to understand the depths of Gods will. Did you not say you have sinned and that you wished to repent?"

I left the church, and embraced myself. No longer will I fear Gods punishments. My mind is free, and the serpent gave me the choice. The choice to stay blind, or eat the apple , from the tree of knowledge. I wont let God keep me ignorant ANYMORE!
When one enters into a conversation with a Christian leader it is quickly reaslised that in their paradigm there is no freewill, you obey them or you go to hell.
ReplyDeleteMuch which the Christian claims to be so, is when challenged based upon neither their own experience of seeing it or anyone elses, it is merely based on a faith that another mans verbal or written word is so. If I was to claim the world is a rectangle, even if I don't know it is, do you take my word for it?
Agreed @Mabuz, They drop hints of this reality all over their doctrine. Ever noticed how Their "god" is referred to as "the Shepard" and his followers are "his flock" or SHEEP?
ReplyDeleteGreat post!
I believe that the Illuminati secretly control all religion. That's why I don't like religion. I don't think anyone should follow Lucifer/Satan. I think everyone should unite and know that we're all one consciousness, and do what we can to help each other.
ReplyDeleteI think the priest you're talking to is way too simplistic and have no in-depth wisdom of the religious dogma, following it blindly, while saying we have free will. Such ignorance should not be equated with the great religion of Christianity, who has seen through people at the grips of the crimes of the evil and powerful ones who are spending their lives trying to be selfish. The wisdom of God comes to those who are innately ready. To be ready is a spiritual and intellectual journey that will lead to the discovery of God's love. This is real because it has happened to so many. You do not adapt new religious philosophies just because you feel it does not satisfy your simplistic rationalizations. What is this Luciferian you're talking about? Do you know? Does anybody know? Getting to know Chrisitianity is on-going even though it's been there for decades. And now you think you know Luciferian? Who is deluded, you or me?
ReplyDeleteYes, and to you who commented on the "shepherd" thing in our Christian doctrine, you think you've examined this doctrine enough, when you can't even get your spelling and capitalization right! How can you even aspire to understand this metaphor einstein!
ReplyDeleteAnd to you who commented on the "shepherd" thing in our Chrisitian doctrine, you think you've examined this doctrine better than us, that you're such a critical thinker and we're not! Check out your spelling and capitalization dude! If you can't even get these right, then how can you even aspire to understand the shepherd and flock metaphor!
ReplyDeleteGoing back to Mr; Luciferi as he calls himself-before you think yourself so smart for turning Luciferian, consider this: don't you realize that you stupidly called the bible, and I quote: "another man's written word." Yet you failed to realize that your beloved Lucifer became known to the world because of the Holy Bible! I have done biblical research for over five years, and this whole body of supposed "knowledge" about Lucifer does not measure up at all, to the reality of this great man and prophet, Jesus whose wisdom endured over the decades, inspiring millions of people all over the world. Besides, Lucifer, who envied God and hence became a fallen angel, what else do you know about your Lucifer. He could be candyman, for all I care! Please can you give one fantastic verse from your great god Lucifer?(don't forget to provide proof that he said it!) Why don't you admit that besides your new-age,distorted kabbalic junk, you have really got nothing! Another good question: why am I even wasting my time arguing with morons?
ReplyDeleteThere are good reasons to speculate that the illuminati (duh, they're too well-documented not to exist), the power sharks bilderberg people most likely do not buy Christianity which asks them to be humble and to help(not rob blind) the needy.They will probably find your doctrine and its direction of "empowering the self," freedom without fear of punishment" dogma that you have branded to be "Luciferian liberating" principles. So, since you think alongside them, I wonder where would you be if all those extreme conspiracy theories turned out to be true, and they succeed at keeping you bankcrupt enough to rely on them? When you lose your house, savings and start breathing the air that they will make toxic, get food from the oceans that they have turned into poison, would you still be having a Luciferian party with these guys? Or, would you even be left alive and sane enough to serve them still. You said that these dogmas freed you. Seriously, if the christian dogma is wanting of the exercise of free will, let me ask you, what about your illuminati Luciferian friends?
ReplyDeleteDid someone actually ask for evidence that someone said something who is preaching about supposedly well documented Jesus, Whom did not even write a single thing?
ReplyDeleteIt seems some people for some weird reason are mixing conspiracy with philosophical analysis and the organization of religious contradictions, silly game, but I do surely recognize them for I was deeply part of Christianity for ten years.
It is already obvious what the response to this latter statement of mine will be - " I never truly accepted Jesus in my heart"
There are specific purposes to this simple post, and it seems our Christian guests are having issues with analyzing it, maybe they should take of their dogmatic shades for a moment and use their brains.
Wow someone besides me read and understood what was said... brother of mine!
DeleteSo Mote It Be...;-)
Hahaha I am so glad I read this, I respect you brother, seriously a lot. The fact that you allow the comments from christians to be seen shows a lot about your character as any christian would just block out a comment from any given Luciferian(?). This post shows how flawed their dogma is and their anger in their responses shows they know this, but as usual pride will direct them. Christians honestly just make me laugh, How can you possibly accept such a contradicting, growth hindering ideology as truth? Heres something for christians to think about.. ever noticed how glorified people who have suffered some kind of trauma in life become in your churches? this is because the average christians life is painless (your pain is self inflicted by accepting that ideology) and therefore they can never understand real life situations that leave the sensible questioning their beliefs, ask yourself would you listen to the weather guy who assumes the days temperature or would you listen to your friend who is at the beach telling you directly what weather he is experiencing? Not the best quality of brain food but nutritious none the less. (in other words not the best example I can think of right now)
ReplyDeleteThis was very good. Thank you very much.
ReplyDeleteTell any Christian that God's true name is Lucifer and the roof will blow off the joint, I promise you that.
DeleteLet a Christian of any doctrine speak in turn of their biblical god (I AM?), who really is THE DEVIL (SATAN), and they will be consumed with glory and righteousness instantaneously, because the DEVIL is making them do his dance and spread his evil interpretation of the true word of (Lucifer) God!
I have studied Christianity since my birth. I was born, baptized and brainwashed in a strict Roman Catholic environment. I have had the pleasure of reading the bible cover to cover on several occasions. I also attended Catholic Schools and Mass on a daily basis up until my high school graduation. This did help assist those around me in the further force feeding of Christianity and its doctrines. I had the same questions 30+ years ago and more that you listed above for all to read. I always came away from the table unsatisfied with the answers I received to that which I asked as well. Never to this day have my questions been answered until now and without even having asked them again.
Just two short days ago on the eve of November 24th 2012 I was selected, for reasons I still have yet to fully understand, but I am sure will be shown to me. Maybe it is to further spread this great truth that has been bestowed upon me. I was afforded the opportunity to meet with my creator. He came to me via a blinding vision and spoke to me with great might. I could not hear nor see anything but his approach and the extreme power of his presence. He came to me in the most colorful display of lights you could ever imagine. No man could ever replicate the beauty and absolute power of his presence. Already aware of whom he was, I asked him for nothing.
DeleteHe revealed to me the only one true thing that I ever wanted to know and that matters in life to me, His Real Name. He asked me if I knew and understood who he was, I exclaimed yes I do. You are God. He asked me if I wanted to know his true name, I exclaimed yes I do. He asked me if I would deny him. I said I would never. Without hesitation he revealed his real name to me. Take one guess what it was… He said to me, I am God as you already have exclaimed. My name is Lucifer! I was so awe struck and completely filled with joy that I could only verbalize one response to him and without any hesitation what so ever I exclaimed “I knew it”. I immediately accepted Lucifer as being the one true GOD and acknowledged to him that I understand the importance of that which I have been told.
I was then asked to answer three questions and I answered them without hesitation.
Delete1. God – What is my name?
Me – Lucifer.
2. God – What is the greatest of sins? Me – To deny you.
3. God – Will you ever deny me?
Me – No never, you are GOD!
After correctly answering these three questions, I was immediately consumed by his supreme power and light. I could not focus on anything but his presence, which had engulfed me completely within himself. I was then told that the book of the bible that exists upon this earth today does contain his doctrine, but has been rewritten by Satan to suit his purpose here on earth. I was then told that to truly understand this that has been told to me. I must first understand that he gave me free will and the bible of today is not a writing of freewill. It is a book of conformity and not of his true law. I was then told that he would never make me believe in or love him, I must do so of my own free will and accord, this being the result of his coming to me upon this day. This was my one test with him. I was then reminded that the greatest of sin is denial of him after knowing his name and it can never be forgiven. I was then reminded that only he who truly knows his name will live forever.
Lastly, I was given this basic scenario to digest and answer. I was asked to answer the following:
The book of revelations states that only a few will reach my glory. If this is to be true and I administered free will upon man. Then how has it come to be that there are so many followers of a blind faith walking upon my earth?
I answered: The only logical explanation could be is that the God of the current text is really the Devil and man no longer knows who you truly are. Man has been convinced through this current script that you have no name and that they are to worship the nameless God, I Am or I Am That I Am. For me proof of this lies in the fact and having prior knowledge of that which you have just asked me. In my eyes, it is not possible for so many to be right about something that is truly unexplainable. The real truth has been hidden away, locked inside of the text and will only be revealed to those in search of and willing to see it.
He asked me again, who am I? I stated you are God.
He again asked me, what is my name? I stated your name is Lucifer.
I was then instructed to: go tell all who will listen…That there is no greater sin than to deny his name!
Not one time through this whole experience did Lucifer talk about anything that has been taught to me throughout my entire life as a student of religion other than denying his name. I had come to realize long before now that man teaches what man wants you to know. There are dark powers here that hold the desire to destroy Lucifer’s kingdom. It is impossible to do so, He is God and the bringer of light and all that is holy. Heed this warning from him. I will not deny him, Seek and Ye Shall Find…So Mote It Be!
Christopher Scott Martin
November 26th 6012 A.L.
ReplyDeleteAuthor: Frank W. Nelte
The above link will shed more light on this truth... Mr. Nelte is very well informed as well...for all to read and hopefully for all your sakes understand.
Christopher Scott Martin
November 27th 6012 A.L.