I believe religion should be the standard euphemism for spirituality. The accolade placed amongst the religious mind is unjustified,I find this the essence of evil, the ominous revelation brought to birth by the abuse of human nature.
Christianity along with many other monotheistic religions are truculent entities, beguiling the soul. The mainstream moralists with their ignorant cumulative theology devours the mind, the true nature of man withheld by the religions of fear and pity.
We look upon Jesus on the cross, and feel guilt within, this man died for us, we must pay our respects, how can we risk denying his sacrifice and burn eternally in hell?
Lest we forget the sins we commit , since birth, the guilt laid upon us by our ancestors of the faiths that we are but abominations, disobeying the mighty father 'who art in heaven.'
These moralists, and their religious ideals are but collective idiocy. We must fit in to their beliefs to be accepted as good or bad,for who created us right and wrong? The religious leaders who claim we must abide by divine authority, absolutism, the truth that only GOD can judge.
We must as humans, seek on our own, develop our own goals, morals, purpose in life , or else fall victim to the dogmatic organization of the weak man.
As one of my favorite philosophers would put it:
"The most fundamental laws of preservation and growth, demand precisely ...that each should discover his own virtue...What is there that destroys a man more speedily than to work, think,feel, as an automaton of 'duty', without internal promptings, without a profound personal predilection, without joy?" - Friedrich Nietzsche from his book 'The ANTICHRIST
Mainstream religions accumulate followers through fear of punishment, and pity of self, a pity that destroys a man from within, creating the feeling of obligation towards repentance. Repentance of what? sins? The very sins that are labeled such, are only part of human nature!
Self abstinence is not the solution, embrace your humanity!
Religious fiat is about control,and killing the wit, not about being a good human. The correlation between ignorance and religion is great, the more religious one is, the less knowledge of the natural world they obtain.
The more understanding one has of the natural world, and her science brings upon ones lack of need for , as Richard Dawkins would put it "God of the Gaps" - the placing of God in our lack of understanding of natural phenomena, science seems to sooner or later, close one gap after another.
This is simple, Seek on your own, find a purpose for your own life, don't be a drone, study, read, love life, and be creative.
Is it truly creative to just say "God did it", "God is mysterious", "God has his reasons", and all that silly bullshit?
Do not fall prey to religion out of fear, out of pity, and out of ignorance, find reasons and knowledge to justify the reasons you hold any belief or accept any theory.
Build your spirit from top to bottom, you don't need an imaginary friend to help you, nor do you need hypocritical religious leaders to be your guide dogs.
Let not the trepidation of religious judgment befall you, do not be lazy minded. Ascend and advance,be the 'strong man.'
Fear did not come from God, fear come from human and those human who rule the earth, seen and unseen.
ReplyDeleteFear is natural, instinct.