I forced upon my self abstinence of free thinking, the danger was too much to bare. There had to be established dichotomy between my mind and reality, else I would go insane!
I aver! I do not wish to upset God, and bring upon myself the wrath of our creator!
My mind has but a few questions...
Why are you God so insouciant to earthly affairs? Maybe the Deists where right...and you care not for your creation-maybe you're dying?
Maybe you never existed as the elders taught us.
The men who claim to be the luminaries of doctrine are but hypocrites, with two faces.
Whom can I trust for your word?
Your so called devotees are nothing but frivolous vacuous fools.
After thinking about it, I can't alleviate my thoughts, my curiosity, my questions!
I will not remain perturbed , I will be strong, and realize hiding from my fears and questions
will not bring to me peace.
I must face my fears,face death, face everything , I don't need a personal God to help me.
To be free you must flow like water, and let go of all that hinders your spirit.
I remit my past statement, I retain my freethinking ways, and will be one with nature, I will embrace the flow of natural selection within my veins.
I studied the tedious scriptures of old, and seen the perversion within them, how can people embrace such offensive materials?
The religious naysayers are but chaff beings that will do all they can to prevent humanity from being free, in place they say "Believe or God will throw you in the pits of hell for eternity, but truly he loves you, and wants you to be saved!"
Such a contradition.."he truly loves you, but will throw you into the pits of hell"...emotional blackmail
ReplyDeleteThis is what I said when I became atheist.