"Oh,Father how dost thy claim to be just and loving? Thou banish me and threw upon me the sins of man kind! Thy Kingdom is only reached upon rejection of I, Why such betrayal? Why such Hate? Dost thy know true mercy? You layeth upon me the stigma of "evil" and make me suffer such sorrows, Alas, you have fooled mankind!" exclaimeth the Morning Star.
"Thy light shineth not, in shackles thine love. Injustice dost the Lord of Lords indulge among the ignorant mass. Gluttony times all deadly sins he embrace, the mirror thou labels humanity, image thou creates. Contradictory punishments dost thee -the host provide, a hideous gift raineth down the atmosphere of earth, poisoneth thou children of dirt and water.
My love you twisteth, and miracles you condemn! Sickened of mankind you grew, while Mine, the True Bearer of Light, brought to the children of Adam and Eve consciousness and sight!.
Floods and Explosions you- Yahweh The King of Moses fell the people of earth, Plagues upon
their children, disease, and famine , wars of daughter against mother, and son against father killeth without mercy, all that liveth and breath,
But Mine love endless, to the peoples , I showeth them knowledge, the tree of knowing(reproduction),Thine own apple of life. I buildeth them this ARK to hideth thine peoples from your merciless wrath,The deluge I gave them Mine hand!
your divine judgment of scorn , fire, and brimstone never endeth!
This dwelling abode earth you name hell, but it is Mine kingdom that thou raineth greed and despaireth upon, your false religions , lies, and stigma!
Proposeth I to all those who have fallen from Gods embrace, thy angels, man, and creature, I love thee with all Mine heart, and for you, would fall a thousand fold, I call you beside me"
The Morning Star spoketh valiantly to those who's ears are willing, his voice echoed to the enlightened spirits, the souls who truly seeketh truth, "Mine love is patience, for whom hast I condemned? Lest ye forget , it is I and Mine fallen Angels who brought upon you knowledge and science, for Thy God who commands the heavens wished you not, who banneth you from the tree of knowledge?"
I love this story. I always believed in lucifer and I want everybody know the real thing about him. You are very good writer. If you write a book I will be the first one who buy it.