Reality must be found, but what is it, does it lie within the depths of simpleton dogma, or can we look deep within the caverns of enlightenment and take back the roots of life?
Monday, January 10, 2011
I Generalize the Religious
Religious people ask you not to generalize them, yet they are generalizing themselves by claiming to be of a set faith, who generally have a book and rules they must follow to be considered a follower of such a faith, why else would they generalize themselves within the set religion? Religion is a taboo topic of discussion, not because of its sensitivity, but because people are embarrassed to admit their beliefs.
Sometimes you can tell when a follower is embarrassed because they cherry pick and seem to have the ability to chose what is metaphor and what is literal based on their views and the current advancement of modern social society, making it more simple, they compromise their beliefs as time changes in a desperate attempt to keep the belief alive.
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