Lets band together and declare war on Errorism, and find and destroy all weapons of Mass Deception.
Reality must be found, but what is it, does it lie within the depths of simpleton dogma, or can we look deep within the caverns of enlightenment and take back the roots of life?
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Spread of Darkness
"My mind is overwhelmed by the darkness, the lack of light that shines the grassless hills, should I dig the earth blocking the sun, or should I buy seeds and slowly grow the grass, and tend to it so that it shall grow as if it did have light?"
Friday, September 25, 2009
Bias Media Controls What You Think...
The world has suddenly gone nuts over the so called Uranium enrichment plant that Iran has...and even though it is not even close to being finished and is following IAEA guidelines, the International world mainly Britian, France, and USA are slashing Iran.
While this is going on, and Iran is being clear that they are following the UN regulations, ISRAEL is getting away with building Illegals settlements...and no one cares...do you know why? because most people only care about what the bias media tells them, thousands of people die an hour and you wont know about them unless the media tells you so...
While this is going on, and Iran is being clear that they are following the UN regulations, ISRAEL is getting away with building Illegals settlements...and no one cares...do you know why? because most people only care about what the bias media tells them, thousands of people die an hour and you wont know about them unless the media tells you so...
Friday, August 14, 2009
Illegal settlements
Israeli theft of Palestine
Sunday, August 9, 2009
The Good Guys
Good people will do awful things in the presence of authority. But their just humans just like the Nazi's, Just like the between 125,000 to 250,000 Jewish Germans that assisted the Nazi party in WW2, just humans.
America Knows Best
A country is only a democracy if the USA accepts it as so, if not, you better watch out, you will get riddled with negative media, you will have CIA infesting your country, you will probably get economic sanctions enforced upon you, and if worse comes to worse, you will be invaded...not necessarily by the USA, but by a country the USA has manipulated, were all pawns.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
War on Errorism

They label any country or person that defends themselves against the Western Influence as Terrorists, supporters of Terrorists, Tyrants or enemies of Democracy, and if it gets real down and dirty, the USA or my favorite Israel, will only invade your country, kill thousands of your civilians, rape your women, kill your children, destroy your houses, and force you to be democratic. This is the way of the West, The Democracy of the USA is so good that it shall be forced upon you all at the expense of thousands of innocent deaths, not to include the deaths that are caused by economic sanction that prevent your people from getting enough food to feed your people if you do not comply with their wishes. Also media manipulation of your country will take place, your government and your very way of life that will make you actually feel like you need democracy will be brainwashed into your head, and westerners will feel like they need to force it on you for your "better good" than your country will be flattened and you will be saved.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Obama the Smoker
A Trustworthy Politician

I find it very funny that people will have so much pride in their government , or so much trust and faith that they will protect the people.
Yet people will also say politics is something not to converse about, and they will also speak about how you cannot trust a politician.
A politician is trained to manipulate and "control" you, hence Public Administration.
What is the best way to get full control of your country? put fear into you and make you think that you need to give up all of your freedoms and freewill to gain that protection.
Sharing of Wealth
Our countries thrive at the expense of all the poverty in the world. 20% of the world uses up 80% of its resources...if these resources were properly distributed there would be no poverty, 2% of the worlds population owns 50% of the worlds wealth...if this wealth was not in the hands of the greedy, there would be no poverty...this would help stop war as well.
Monday, July 13, 2009
A Terrorist to one is a Freedom Fighter to another

When a Country like the USA invades a Country like Iraq, it claims anyone who defends themselves or their country a terrorist or insurgent, and if an American Soldier is killed their is wide retribution, yet who's country are they in? What would the Americans do to foreign invaders in their country? what would they do if their families were getting killed? Would they sit back and let it happen? or fight and become "terrorists"?
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Alethes Logos ( True Reason) - The Christian liars
Celsus - Philosopher and Social Critic on Christianity in around 178 C.E wrote the True Reason.
Celsus was a sophisticated intellectual, schooled in histories of Judea, Persia, Egypt, Greece, and Rome, he was a critic of Christianity and mocked idle opinions, and lampoons popular philosophies, he targeted second century Christian writers for plagiarizing well known traditions and failing to employ common Reason.
Some wonderful writings of his.
"There is nothing new or impressive about their ethical teaching...One ought first to follow reason as a a guide before accepting any belief, since anyone who believes without testing a doctrine is certain to be deceived...Just as the charlatans of the cults...the Christian teachers do not want to give reasons for what they believe."
"Celsus repeats a Jewish claim that Christianity has no standing in the Old Testament prophecies, and he wonders why Christians would suppose that those prophecies refer to their messiah and not to the many number of others that were around."
"The writings of the Christians are a lie...[and their] fables are not well-enough constructed to conseal this monstrous fiction" Christian writers he claims " alter the original writings...in order to deny the contradictions"
Celsus concludes that they revise gospels and forge documents to justify their authority over the people they control. He insists that the Christian teachers take advantage of innocent children and desperate fools, but avoid educated debate.
"For why is it an evil to have been educated, and to have studied the best opinions, and to have both the reality and appearance of wisdom? what hindrance does this offer to the knowledge of God? Why should it not rather be an assistance, and a means by which one might be better able to arrive at the truth?"
Celsus critisizes the doctrines of faith as an easy dodge for the wicked, for the "theif, housebreaker, poisoner, commiter of sacrilege, and a robber of the dead" He believes the Church writers ignore the decent person "who has held steady from the cradle" while promising salvation to the "unjust man" in exchange for blind faith. He laments."Faith, having taken possession of their minds, makes them yield the assent which they give to the doctrines of Jesus"
He Questions why a God who made the Universe would need to come to earth to reform his Creation, did he not make it right in the first place?
He portrays the Christian God to Jupiter as portrayed in a popular comedy " awaking from the lengthened slumber, with a desire to rescue the human race from evil."
Celsus never once mocks the historical more accurate recordings of Jesus.
(Information taken and some directly quoted from the book " The Jesus Sayings" by Rex Weyler")
for some more information, google Celsus, also look into the True History of the CHURCH, and its formation and changes of the Bible, do not resort to christian resources...sometimes even christian resources point out thier own contradictions.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Celsus - for some basic information on Celsus
Celsus was a sophisticated intellectual, schooled in histories of Judea, Persia, Egypt, Greece, and Rome, he was a critic of Christianity and mocked idle opinions, and lampoons popular philosophies, he targeted second century Christian writers for plagiarizing well known traditions and failing to employ common Reason.
Some wonderful writings of his.
"There is nothing new or impressive about their ethical teaching...One ought first to follow reason as a a guide before accepting any belief, since anyone who believes without testing a doctrine is certain to be deceived...Just as the charlatans of the cults...the Christian teachers do not want to give reasons for what they believe."
"Celsus repeats a Jewish claim that Christianity has no standing in the Old Testament prophecies, and he wonders why Christians would suppose that those prophecies refer to their messiah and not to the many number of others that were around."
"The writings of the Christians are a lie...[and their] fables are not well-enough constructed to conseal this monstrous fiction" Christian writers he claims " alter the original writings...in order to deny the contradictions"
Celsus concludes that they revise gospels and forge documents to justify their authority over the people they control. He insists that the Christian teachers take advantage of innocent children and desperate fools, but avoid educated debate.
"For why is it an evil to have been educated, and to have studied the best opinions, and to have both the reality and appearance of wisdom? what hindrance does this offer to the knowledge of God? Why should it not rather be an assistance, and a means by which one might be better able to arrive at the truth?"
Celsus critisizes the doctrines of faith as an easy dodge for the wicked, for the "theif, housebreaker, poisoner, commiter of sacrilege, and a robber of the dead" He believes the Church writers ignore the decent person "who has held steady from the cradle" while promising salvation to the "unjust man" in exchange for blind faith. He laments."Faith, having taken possession of their minds, makes them yield the assent which they give to the doctrines of Jesus"
He Questions why a God who made the Universe would need to come to earth to reform his Creation, did he not make it right in the first place?
He portrays the Christian God to Jupiter as portrayed in a popular comedy " awaking from the lengthened slumber, with a desire to rescue the human race from evil."
Celsus never once mocks the historical more accurate recordings of Jesus.
(Information taken and some directly quoted from the book " The Jesus Sayings" by Rex Weyler")
for some more information, google Celsus, also look into the True History of the CHURCH, and its formation and changes of the Bible, do not resort to christian resources...sometimes even christian resources point out thier own contradictions.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Celsus - for some basic information on Celsus
Friday, June 19, 2009
Santa, Coke, and Jesus

Sankt Niklaus , known in English as Saint Nicholas went from this name to Kris Kringle to Americanized Santa Claus who was given a fat body, and red and white clothing(by the company Coke), and if you notice most of Coca-Cola's advertisements come out around Christmas, so you get a comfortable feeling with Coke as you do with Christmas.
Jesus...he went from Ioses, to Hezues, too Jozuz, to Americanized Jesus...
How does this all happen?
Names get lost in translation as do their stories:(
Santa was manipulated by a company, and so was Jesus by another company...The Catholic Church.
I guess its okay to kill a man that you don't know in service of your country, for means you don't fully understand or have any involvement in...Yet if you kill a man in the heat of passion, or out of self defense or in retaliation of a personal issue of some sort, it is murder and you can go to jail for it or face the death penalty...because its not in the service of your country...
Monday, June 8, 2009
Jesus Son of ADAM
Jesus said he was the Son of Adam. Adam in common Hebrew in Jesus time was used for Humanity. Jesus saying he was the Son of Adam is relevant to saying he is just a human, hes the son of a human. Taking Jesus message from corroborating evidence we can find his clear messages by filtering out recordings of his message that do not go with his overall character, and with this we can conclude that Jesus never said he was "I AM" for it would have been blasphemous for only God can receive this title. When Jesus was called Son of God, even if this was not an addition we are all technically Children of God. It was also common back in Jesus time for people to call their leaders the Son of God.
Monday, June 1, 2009
The Truth.
I Believe that there is Truth in EVERYTHING.
I believe that truth is a line that is straight and ever lasting.
On this straight line of Truth sprouts new beliefs and values and stories that all stray from the pureness of the full Truth.
When those new lines sprout they also in themselves can sprout off coarse of something that has already sprouted from the truth.
When each line that has separated from the Truth grows more and more the original truth becomes lost and it becomes harder and harder to find, especially if that line cuts it self from the LINE of TRUTH.
Do you think our society is close to this Original LINE of TRUTH or do you think we have been cut off already?
We can look at this as a fully grown tree, we can see the branches but not the roots, you have to dig deep for the roots, but all of the branches come from the same root.
I believe that truth is a line that is straight and ever lasting.
On this straight line of Truth sprouts new beliefs and values and stories that all stray from the pureness of the full Truth.
When those new lines sprout they also in themselves can sprout off coarse of something that has already sprouted from the truth.
When each line that has separated from the Truth grows more and more the original truth becomes lost and it becomes harder and harder to find, especially if that line cuts it self from the LINE of TRUTH.
Do you think our society is close to this Original LINE of TRUTH or do you think we have been cut off already?
We can look at this as a fully grown tree, we can see the branches but not the roots, you have to dig deep for the roots, but all of the branches come from the same root.
Who is the Real Jesus?

"For The Jesus Sayings, I reviewed and compared some 200 significant historical accounts that contribute to the search for the sayings and deeds of Jesus, taking us far beyond the boundaries of the four New Testament gospels."
- Rex Weyler , The Author of The Jesus Sayings.
Jesus on Sin.
Peter wonders in the Mary Dialogue, If the Body is not the source of all corruption what is, he asks Jesus, "What is the sin of the world?" Jesus replies " There is no such thing as sin...rather you yourselves produce sin when you act according to the nature of adultery...good came among you as the essence of every nature."
Friday, May 29, 2009
Obama came into the picture with all of these promises.
Did he bring back the troops from Iraq right away? no.
What has he done with NAFTA? he knows how important trade with Canada is, I am not sure he wants to jeopardize that.
Sure he signed for Guantanamo Bay to be dismantled , but within a year...and were are the prisoners going? to other prisons further out of reach of the public eye...
Obama is a fake, he is a puppet just like Bush was, he just has a fake character of savior.
But Actions prove more than words, and his actions are contradicting to his message and words...think about it, and look at it...he is a celebrity.
Did he bring back the troops from Iraq right away? no.
What has he done with NAFTA? he knows how important trade with Canada is, I am not sure he wants to jeopardize that.
Sure he signed for Guantanamo Bay to be dismantled , but within a year...and were are the prisoners going? to other prisons further out of reach of the public eye...
Obama is a fake, he is a puppet just like Bush was, he just has a fake character of savior.
But Actions prove more than words, and his actions are contradicting to his message and words...think about it, and look at it...he is a celebrity.
What was Jesus Real message?
"Seek and you will find. Look within. There is a light within, seek that light . When you find it share it with the World. Before you judge others, look at yourself and attend to your own shortcomings. Don't worry about your clothes and comforts. Religious leaders don't necessarily practice what they preach or point the way to spiritual understanding. Be cautious Stay simple." - Jesus the Nazarene
Not Jesus of Nazareth, there is no historical evidence of a place called Nazareth, but Nazarene was a way of life focusing on "internal purity"
(Conclusion as depicted in the book "The Jesus Sayings" by Rex Weyler.
Jesus Brother James the Just had it right.
“What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can such faith save him? …You see then that a man is justified by works, and not by faith only…? For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.” (James 2:14, 24, 26)
Friday, May 15, 2009
Abraham was the Father of the three most well known Religions, During a Time when there was no Tribe of Judah(From the 12 Tribes of Israel - Judah = Judaism) therefore Abraham was not a Jew, There was no Jesus;therefore, Abraham was not a Christian...But Abraham was Fully Submitted to God. The meaning of Muslim is To Submit, the meaning of Islam means Full Submission to God;therefore, Abraham was a Muslim...No,your wrong again...Abraham was just a man who combined ancient mythologies and mashed up the ancient Gods to create one God,Yahweh...
The Gods must be respected.
The Gods must be respected.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Criminalization of Alcohol and Decriminalization of Marijuana
I do not understand how Alcohol can be legal, and smoking Marijuana is criminal. I think that is kind of stupid. I think it should be switched around with limitations. I think Alcohol should be illegal and criminalized. I Think minimum Marijuana should be decriminalized and would result in a fine, not criminal charges. It would benefit everyone...If Marijuana was legalized it would possibly destroy that area of illegal operations due to government control of the substance. I believe if people were able to smoke in their limited areas as not to effect the non smoking public then I would support that over the use of Alcohol or harder drugs absolutely.
Christian Logic Part 2
Christians tell me "God cannot be in the presence of sin" and that Jesus is "100% God and 100% man" than how , if Jesus is 100% God was he able to dwell on earth to save us? as a...man? Dont Christians also say IF we were to see God we would go blind? thats why the Seraphim have 3 sets of wings, 1 set to cover their bodies, one to fly, and one to protect their eyes from God.
Christian Logic
Christian Logic - Good deeds do not get you to heaven, only accepting Jesus as your savior and bringing him in your heart will save you...So I can be a mass murderer or a racist prick, and still go to heaven as long as Jesus is in my heart, and according to these Christians, that is Justice. They claim anything else than this is buying our way to heaven.
Christian Mercy
"I am a Christian, I have Jesus in my heart and he is the only way to salvation, no good deeds will get me to heaven. Now that I have accepted Jesus as my savior I can do what ever I want cause my deeds do not mean crap, All you other religions out there dont know what grace is and you will bow down to Jesus as your Lord or you will burn in Hell for eternity, because my God is Justice"
Eternal Light
The day had gone dark
and the beauty of the woman has taken the light from the sun
and she shines and lights up the whole universe
the stars in all the galaxies have been overpowered
all of existence is light , darkness no longer eternity has come
and the beauty of the woman has taken the light from the sun
and she shines and lights up the whole universe
the stars in all the galaxies have been overpowered
all of existence is light , darkness no longer eternity has come
The Sun Travels
I will see thee when the morning is shy , but the darkness dwells upon my horizon , the living creatures of this wonderful creation share their times when they will sing, depending on when the sun favors them.The sun has a lot of life to please.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
The North American Holocaust and Israel

It would be disrespectful not to take into heart the losses of those from the during WW2.
Israel as a nation was formed in 1948 (not being a good idea) created a disaster in the middle east.
When Israel was formed and the call to the new Jewish state was made all Jews were requested to flock to the new land, alot of them being European Jews flocking over and reforming the whole area, westernizing it causing a rift in its normality.
The Jews now officially having a state and under the pity of the world are one of the most powerful nations in the middle East and have wealth beyond the mind.
Now they got this nation due to the constant persecution they endure!
What about the Natives of the New World? When the Europeans came over the conquest of the New world began, new people for the Christians to convert, new resources to plunder and new land to steal.
Overall 90% of the Native population was killed because of the Europeans coming over, and still today they have to convert to our new society or live on reserves still being shoved to were the government wants them, we just place them on shit reserves when we need something from the land they are on, and give them nothing.
Its a shame no one seems to care or think about the land that we stole from the Natives, there is no remembrance day or anything, its all about the Holocaust.
Yet the people who committed the Holocaust of the New World are Heros of our Past!!!
The Comfort in Media and The Public Norm

Most people just want to know that their government will keep them safe, they dont care that secretly maybe their government is doing some messed up shit,
even if they did, most people will believe any coverup so that their concious feels better and they do not have to worry about what is going on in the outside world.
I notice when I speak of sensitive issues people think I am trying to stir up some people, or get attention. People seem to want to avoid this stuff entirely.
Gay Marriage
The Holocaust
Injection Sites
Political views such as National Socialism and Communism (Tyranny and so on)
Religion dominantly the Divinity of Christ
People no matter what seem to go to mainstream views, when Gay Marriage was wrong everyone agreed, it pops out of no were and now everyone agrees with it, I personally never cared about it and still dont, to each their own.
My point is this, people are so blind and take comfort in what everyone else is doing and believes its sad and disgusting, talk about personality disorders.
The Media is a company, and our Governments are not trustworthy, Society is run off of fear so you run to your government and give them what they want so they can control you more.
What the Government says is bad is bad, and what they say is good is good.
even if they did, most people will believe any coverup so that their concious feels better and they do not have to worry about what is going on in the outside world.
I notice when I speak of sensitive issues people think I am trying to stir up some people, or get attention. People seem to want to avoid this stuff entirely.
Gay Marriage
The Holocaust
Injection Sites
Political views such as National Socialism and Communism (Tyranny and so on)
Religion dominantly the Divinity of Christ
People no matter what seem to go to mainstream views, when Gay Marriage was wrong everyone agreed, it pops out of no were and now everyone agrees with it, I personally never cared about it and still dont, to each their own.
My point is this, people are so blind and take comfort in what everyone else is doing and believes its sad and disgusting, talk about personality disorders.
The Media is a company, and our Governments are not trustworthy, Society is run off of fear so you run to your government and give them what they want so they can control you more.
What the Government says is bad is bad, and what they say is good is good.
Friday, April 24, 2009
The Morality of Abortion

I hear them telling me that Abortion is the right a women has over her body.
I hear them saying its not murder.
I hear them tell me they are not even humans.
I hear them tell me that they do not have rights for they are not "peoples"
I hear them tell me that Abortion is a good form of population control.
If this is not a human, or a person, and this is not murder...than what is it?
Attack on the Ignorant

I recently performed an obvious experiment on facebook.
(placing aside my real points of view for the fact of the matter)
Ill tell you my experiment than explain it.
I put on my Status
"Long live Stalin, bring back the USSR"
No one said anything.
I put next on my Status
"Long live Hitler, and National Socialism."
Within 24 hours I got reported and warned by facebook that I may be deleted for hatred on the internet and my status was removed.
My point to this is, most people view evil by what the Media tells them, who ever our governments want us to see as evil, we will see as evil.
(placing aside my real points of view for the fact of the matter)
Ill tell you my experiment than explain it.
I put on my Status
"Long live Stalin, bring back the USSR"
No one said anything.
I put next on my Status
"Long live Hitler, and National Socialism."
Within 24 hours I got reported and warned by facebook that I may be deleted for hatred on the internet and my status was removed.
My point to this is, most people view evil by what the Media tells them, who ever our governments want us to see as evil, we will see as evil.
Same with Hollywood, they show us who is evil and who is beautiful.
History teaches that Hitler was responsible for up to 20 millions deaths.
But does anyone know that Stalin was responsible for atleast 60 million deaths?
Stalin effected the East and didnt effect Europe(Until the Cold War) and the West like Hitler did...Oh and Stalin was our Ally in WW2...so that makes him a buddy, and not a reason for me to be reported on facebook.
History teaches that Hitler was responsible for up to 20 millions deaths.
But does anyone know that Stalin was responsible for atleast 60 million deaths?
Stalin effected the East and didnt effect Europe(Until the Cold War) and the West like Hitler did...Oh and Stalin was our Ally in WW2...so that makes him a buddy, and not a reason for me to be reported on facebook.
Casualties for Casualties

So lets say Israel doesnt break the ceasefires between Palestine, and some militant shot some rockets over into Israel(which mind you barely make it over due to sophisticated defence systems and quick response attack helicopters) and injured and killed a few civilians.
Okay now Israel is going to respond and totally bombard the hell out of Palestine claiming it is doing so to stop missle attacks.
Do you notice their so called reasons for responding is to stop the missle attacks yet most of the casualties they inflict are civilians?
I guess its okay to kill civilians by "accident" and not on purpose.
I also guess Palestine should sit around and let their state get the shit bombed out of.
Let me ask you this, put yourself in the place of a Palestinian that just lost their whole family in a bombing, what would you do sit around or fight?
Canada in Afghanistan
I am not going to rant too much about this, but our troops should not be there.
We were talking about murder and killing in my criminology class and my teacher asked.
"What about our soldiers in Afghanistan, their killing people...is that right?"
A student replied ,
"Yes it is, they are heroes...they are defending themselves."
I thought to myself, how stupid are people? Who's country are we in?
We invaded their country and we are defending ourselves?
Did you know its sad that the Taliban actually followed the rules of War(International law) better then the Americans did invading the Country?
Let me ask you this, why are we in Afghanistan?
We were talking about murder and killing in my criminology class and my teacher asked.
"What about our soldiers in Afghanistan, their killing people...is that right?"
A student replied ,
"Yes it is, they are heroes...they are defending themselves."
I thought to myself, how stupid are people? Who's country are we in?
We invaded their country and we are defending ourselves?
Did you know its sad that the Taliban actually followed the rules of War(International law) better then the Americans did invading the Country?
Let me ask you this, why are we in Afghanistan?
The Palestinian Ghetto

I love how Israel can turn Palestine into a Ghetto and still complain about the Holocaust. why extort the world with it? It is disgusting the way Israel treats Palestine and anyone around them that does not conform to the wishes of the Nation. It is obvious that Israeli Prime Ministers are War criminals...and any PM of Israel that may want peace wont last long because Israel is run by a bunch of blood thirsty Zionists that give Jews a bad name. When the great UN Security Council tries to intervene our friend of freedom United States of America will step in and without even any consideration veto any opposition onto Israel.
If you are wondering how they can do that the UN security council has 5 permanent members including Russia, USA, Britain, France, and China. When something is passed and one country does not agree they can Veto it stopping it immediately.
In this case it is America defending Israeli crimes against humanity. You may think that the world is ignoring Palestine but the UN is not powerful enough to stop it since the US as a permanent member will veto any opposition to Israel.
Not to mention that Israel totally ignores the Geneva convention and seems to care nothing about the civilian casualties they impose on this flattened state.
Sad to say this but the only way we can stop Israeli war crimes is to have a world power stronger than the United States and Israel to actually intervene with their crimes against humanity.
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