Celsus - Philosopher and Social Critic on Christianity in around 178 C.E wrote the True Reason.
Celsus was a sophisticated intellectual, schooled in histories of Judea, Persia, Egypt, Greece, and Rome, he was a critic of Christianity and mocked idle opinions, and lampoons popular philosophies, he targeted second century Christian writers for plagiarizing well known traditions and failing to employ common Reason.
Some wonderful writings of his.
"There is nothing new or impressive about their ethical teaching...One ought first to follow reason as a a guide before accepting any belief, since anyone who believes without testing a doctrine is certain to be deceived...Just as the charlatans of the cults...the Christian teachers do not want to give reasons for what they believe."
"Celsus repeats a Jewish claim that Christianity has no standing in the Old Testament prophecies, and he wonders why Christians would suppose that those prophecies refer to their messiah and not to the many number of others that were around."
"The writings of the Christians are a lie...[and their] fables are not well-enough constructed to conseal this monstrous fiction" Christian writers he claims " alter the original writings...in order to deny the contradictions"
Celsus concludes that they revise gospels and forge documents to justify their authority over the people they control. He insists that the Christian teachers take advantage of innocent children and desperate fools, but avoid educated debate.
"For why is it an evil to have been educated, and to have studied the best opinions, and to have both the reality and appearance of wisdom? what hindrance does this offer to the knowledge of God? Why should it not rather be an assistance, and a means by which one might be better able to arrive at the truth?"
Celsus critisizes the doctrines of faith as an easy dodge for the wicked, for the "theif, housebreaker, poisoner, commiter of sacrilege, and a robber of the dead" He believes the Church writers ignore the decent person "who has held steady from the cradle" while promising salvation to the "unjust man" in exchange for blind faith. He laments."Faith, having taken possession of their minds, makes them yield the assent which they give to the doctrines of Jesus"
He Questions why a God who made the Universe would need to come to earth to reform his Creation, did he not make it right in the first place?
He portrays the Christian God to Jupiter as portrayed in a popular comedy " awaking from the lengthened slumber, with a desire to rescue the human race from evil."
Celsus never once mocks the historical more accurate recordings of Jesus.
(Information taken and some directly quoted from the book " The Jesus Sayings" by Rex Weyler")
for some more information, google Celsus, also look into the True History of the CHURCH, and its formation and changes of the Bible, do not resort to christian resources...sometimes even christian resources point out thier own contradictions.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Celsus - for some basic information on Celsus
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