Monday, June 1, 2009

The Truth.

I Believe that there is Truth in EVERYTHING.

I believe that truth is a line that is straight and ever lasting.

On this straight line of Truth sprouts new beliefs and values and stories that all stray from the pureness of the full Truth.

When those new lines sprout they also in themselves can sprout off coarse of something that has already sprouted from the truth.

When each line that has separated from the Truth grows more and more the original truth becomes lost and it becomes harder and harder to find, especially if that line cuts it self from the LINE of TRUTH.

Do you think our society is close to this Original LINE of TRUTH or do you think we have been cut off already?

We can look at this as a fully grown tree, we can see the branches but not the roots, you have to dig deep for the roots, but all of the branches come from the same root.


  1. That is such a nice way to portray the truth. Yes I do believe we have been cut off already, from many truths. The one and only truth in this world that I can 100% trust is the Quran, Gods words, which will forever be original since its birth.

  2. Toby, this is poetry man! I like the flow of it. Never thought of it that way. I paint, so I think of Truth as a colour. I think there is Truth in most things. Some things are literally 100% false, but those things are few. Most things have a mix of Truth, varying in different tones, tints and shades, or deviations from the Original Truth. The Original Truth is the Pure 100% colour. I think I've said this before. >.<

    Anyway, Isn't it great that we can get to be a part of God's family eternally because of Truth Incarnate?

