I say my God is better than yours, and you retort "No, but my God is but the True God!"
This tedious insipid argument of mental degradation seems to have no ending. It has been going on for years since the beginning of self awareness.
I claim that my god is better than yours , and this self righteousness is expected since I have established my gods truthfulness in my mind, I will subconsciously and consciously ignore anything that will threaten this emotional attachment that I have. Our god is defined less by scripture and more on mental needs and the traditional meme of hand me down religion, forget the gods of the past right? Mine is right, and yours is wrong - hell worthy.
The point I am trying to make is that our "understanding" or vision of god is different than the person next to us based on their upbringing, mental development , and environmental pressure.
When we argue with someone of another faith, or even within our own...do we truly realize that it is utterly pointless?
It is no different than comparing imaginary super hero's whose abilities we can conjure out of thin air to make ours counter a six year old neighbors imaginary dragon scale hero who can absorb bullets...this example is never ending because neither kid wishes to have the weaker super hero.
When you can provide me with empirical science that suggests otherwise , this is the War of The Gods...
Until then you are stuck within the bounds of your imagination, creating your god as your best imaginary friend to fix all of your insecurities and pains, to be your best friend because you have no one to trust, to be your savior because your pastor duped you into believing you were born in sin.
Hebrews 11 - It is all about faith, not proof.. Good luck with that.
I couldn't agree more.