Reality must be found, but what is it, does it lie within the depths of simpleton dogma, or can we look deep within the caverns of enlightenment and take back the roots of life?
Friday, December 3, 2010
I am Fate
I am fate, the personage of weak will, the failure of life...I am the archetype of ones lack of control, ones ignorance...I am what you come to when you wish to escape from the real world...I am fate, I am not real...I am developed in your brain as a defense from fear, the fear of the unknown, your inner reflex to be held through.
Fate is the haven of those who wish not for the responsibility to exist. Allow them then the comfort of bliss in ignorance, and simplicity of collective unconsciousness. Their existence is not worth your own acknowledgment, much less your time.
Fate is the haven of those who wish not for the responsibility to exist. Allow them then the comfort of bliss in ignorance, and simplicity of collective unconsciousness. Their existence is not worth your own acknowledgment, much less your time.