Reality must be found, but what is it, does it lie within the depths of simpleton dogma, or can we look deep within the caverns of enlightenment and take back the roots of life?
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Dependability of modern Morality

Your emotions set the motions for notions , explosions of irrational logic poisons oceans. The morality of normality is the fatality of our thoughts vitality. Logic lacks tonic, reality leaves sonic. Spew the few who think anew, those who see receive the hose...the profitable are spendable, acceptable as long sustainable and reject the dependable from the collectible who's mind undependable.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Religion v Spirituality

Organized Religion contradicts with spiritual enlightenment , Spirituality and Enlightenment are a result of open minded free thinking. Religion and its preordained laws creates a closed minded spirit, stuck within the confines of ones religious laws. The laws laid down by their God. Lucifer is a metaphor not for greed and pride, but for rebelling against the closed minded request of an oppressive entity.
Lucifer represents the free mind, the freedom to believe and choose on your own. What truly represents pride and the closed minded?
The one we all call God from the Main Religions that require you to bow to make it to a Kingdom where you will eternally be bowing more.
Lucifer represents our ability not to be slaves to the oppressive, and that truth and enlightenment lie within, and not in a external oppressive being that requires what our nature contradicts.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Mind of God

When someone lets God make decisions in life, or how they shall react to good/bad experiences, they are truly fooling themselves. When something comes up and they truly think God is guiding them, it is their subconscious desires creating such sensations of "divine interference", if they dislike a situation, they will "pray" to their God hoping for an answer,but they have already created their own answers that manifest into Gods response.
False Personality

People sometimes simply establishing a specific personality and a set of beliefs to fit in with their social crowd or family, they will avoid conflicting thoughts so they don't dwell on specific inconsistencies. They will hold anything close that will strengthen and mold with their current beliefs. Examples are everywhere, and people who are not victims to being intellectually closed minded, are just plain lazy.
When you see someone who contradicts their beliefs, you can also witness their inability to be an individual, they are still greatly influenced by other forces to hold close the social bonds they let control their life.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Blind masses

The Ignorance of the mass creates the stigma, bigots bash bigots for being bigots, the endless cycle of stupidity fuels the destruction of truth and mind. People become mocked for grasping any type of reality and get praised for the bandwagons socially accepted moral emotions of irrational pre-chewed dogmatic zealot comfort seeking weak magnet of fools. The labeled evil in most cases representing ancient purity becomes the victim of "good v evil" paradox of deceptive extortion...the victim? all of us...the hero? the hero is the one we all fear, like our inner soul, truth, reason, and critically analyzing the accepted. Opening doors of the natural, the truth, and purity will not bring welcome. What is better than knowledge, understanding and wisdom? To seek you must remove emotion and bias reflex
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