I speak to concrete as if I deciphered its atomic make up, I cheat the rose to drop its thorns when the bird attacks the lord of flies that infest mother earth. Her breath cures the rhino who's feet are stuck in the sinking hole of ignorant bliss. A leopard chased a shooting star for over a minute and it overheated and died, it was so caught up in a phenomenon that it did not realize its one weakness,
oh how we can be distracted by beauty. The eggs boiled the Earth as its Gods grew weak, earth became too heavy and Planet X tripped our shelf. 2012 and her hoax are but another attempt of cruel nature to bring upon us fear, maybe a marketing campaign to make weak souls spend all of their money and blind them from the corruption of the social and economic elite.
My eyelids are scorned from salt and my tongue is violated daily by the vinegar of social norms. My values born from corporate television and sad traditions. My soul is mine and mine only, My soul is a supernovae of unlimited resources, that float through space looking for new planets to impregnate.
I tried digging for China but found reverse civilization, earths core their sun. Time is timeless, and trust trust less, logic is illogical and upside down does not exist except what gravity perceives us. Our mass never betrays us, string theory our mold.