Reality must be found, but what is it, does it lie within the depths of simpleton dogma, or can we look deep within the caverns of enlightenment and take back the roots of life?
Besides Israel occupying Palestinian territory illegally, they are building more and more Illegal settlements on more land that they steal. Besides them already policing land that they already stole, they are policing the land that the Palestinians now reside in, the rumbles and dirt of the land.
Good people will do awful things in the presence of authority. But their just humans just like the Nazi's, Just like the between 125,000 to 250,000 Jewish Germans that assisted the Nazi party in WW2, just humans.
A country is only a democracy if the USA accepts it as so, if not, you better watch out, you will get riddled with negative media, you will have CIA infesting your country, you will probably get economic sanctions enforced upon you, and if worse comes to worse, you will be invaded...not necessarily by the USA, but by a country the USA has manipulated, were all pawns.
The United States stages wars. They will cause a conflict, and than run in as the hero. They are causing shit all over Africa and the Middle East labeling any group that defends against extortion of their oil as Islamic Terrorists. They label any country or person that defends themselves against the Western Influence as Terrorists, supporters of Terrorists, Tyrants or enemies of Democracy, and if it gets real down and dirty, the USA or my favorite Israel, will only invade your country, kill thousands of your civilians, rape your women, kill your children, destroy your houses, and force you to be democratic. This is the way of the West, The Democracy of the USA is so good that it shall be forced upon you all at the expense of thousands of innocent deaths, not to include the deaths that are caused by economic sanction that prevent your people from getting enough food to feed your people if you do not comply with their wishes. Also media manipulation of your country will take place, your government and your very way of life that will make you actually feel like you need democracy will be brainwashed into your head, and westerners will feel like they need to force it on you for your "better good" than your country will be flattened and you will be saved.